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01 Jun 2023

Clear Glass in a Greenhouse: The Superior Choice for Optimal Growth

When it comes to choosing glass for a greenhouse, clear glass is a better option than hammered glass for several reasons. Clear glass offers several advantages over hammered glass, such as better light transmission, a more aesthetically appealing appearance, and greater thermal efficiency.

First and foremost, clear glass provides superior light transmission compared to hammered glass. Light is a crucial element for the healthy growth of plants in a greenhouse. Clear glass allows more sunlight to enter, providing plants with sufficient energy for photosynthesis. On the other hand, hammered glass can diffuse light, reducing the intensity of incoming sunlight. This can hinder plant growth and decrease yield.

Additionally, clear glass has an aesthetic advantage. It offers a clear and uninterrupted view of the surroundings, making the greenhouse appear more spacious and elegant. Hammered glass, on the other hand, has a textured, relief-like surface, which can distort the view and diminish the overall appearance of the greenhouse. If you desire a visually appealing greenhouse that seamlessly blends with your garden or home, clear glass is the preferred choice.

We can also not forget that due to texture on the hammered glass, this is glass is not as strong as clear glass.

Furthermore, clear glass exhibits better thermal properties than hammered glass. Clear glass has higher insulation value, effectively retaining heat inside the greenhouse. This is especially important during cold seasons or at night when temperatures can drop. Hammered glass, however, may allow heat to escape more easily, resulting in an instable climat inside the house.

For all these reasons, Filclair, a renowned firm specializing in delivering high-quality greenhouses, prefers clear glass over hammered glass. Filclair understands the importance of light transmission, aesthetics, and energy efficiency in designing greenhouses that provide optimal growing conditions. If you are searching for a top-quality greenhouse, we recommend contacting Filclair. They will assist you in finding the perfect greenhouse.