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13 Jun 2023

Tips to Keep Your Greenhouse Cool During Summer

A greenhouse is a wonderful space for plant growth and enjoying the outdoors, but it can get quite hot inside during the summer. Maintaining a pleasant temperature in your greenhouse is crucial for the health of your plants and your own comfort. In this text, we will share some handy tips to help you keep your greenhouse cool during the warm summer months.

  1. Ventilation: Good ventilation is essential for regulating the temperature in your greenhouse. Ensure that your greenhouse is equipped with ventilation openings, side windows, or roof windows that can be opened. Open them early in the morning and late in the evening when the temperature is cooler to let in fresh air. This will also allow the escape of accumulated warm air throughout the day.

  2. Shade cloths: Cover the outside or inside of your greenhouse with shade cloths or sunscreens to block direct sunlight. This helps reduce the heat entering the greenhouse.

  3. Irrigation and humidification: Sprinkling water on the floor and pathways in your greenhouse can help lower the temperature. This promotes evaporation, which has a cooling effect. Using an automated irrigation system can streamline this process and increase the humidity in the greenhouse, thereby reducing the temperature.

  4. Glass shading: To prevent your greenhouse from absorbing excessive heat, consider applying a special coating on the glass that reflects sunlight. These coatings are available at garden centers and can significantly reduce the temperature inside your greenhouse.

  5. Use of fans: If it's particularly hot outside, you can also place fans in your greenhouse to improve air circulation. Moving air helps dissipate heat and keeps the temperature at a comfortable level.

With these tips, you can keep your greenhouse cool during the summer months, creating an ideal environment for both plants and people. The good news is that many of these options and features are readily available in Filclair greenhouses. Filclair greenhouses are designed with ventilation openings, side windows, or roof windows for good air circulation. They also offer options for installing shade cloths and applying special glass coatings. With a Filclair greenhouse, you are already well-equipped to keep your plants cool during the summer months and enjoy all the benefits a greenhouse has to offer.

Experiment with different techniques and discover what works best for your specific greenhouse. Remember that maintaining a pleasant temperature will promote the growth and well-being of your plants, while allowing you to enjoy a delightful oasis in your own backyard.